Thursday, July 14, 2016

Direction, Accountability and a Road to Success (DARS)

Hello World!

 I love chatting with people. Not the networking walk around and see what I can get kind of networking, you guys know what I mean. Those conversations have their place, and there's plenty of strategies to show up as a high value rock star in those networking events. Another blog post you say? Count on it.

 I'm talking about those private conversations with a close confidant, in the coffee shop corner, losing yourself in your imagination, intentions, and stream of consciousness.

You know... That kind of meeting.

 This brings me to something new that I'm working on. Something long term. Something successful. Something exciting.

 We're getting our first home. WHOO HOO! Not just any home. We're getting a multi-family. We're going to House Hack. It's pretty sweet.

 DARS is a new series on this endeavor. It's meant as a weekly update, very likely in bullet form, to create accountability. After all, if the internet says it's true, then it must be.

What have we done so far? I'm glad you asked:

  • We got pre-approved for a mortgage.
  • We have a modest down payment and a budget.
  • We have reached out to our accountant to discuss this purchase.
  • We reached out to someone in his network that can act as both an agent, renter, and a property manger. (big win.)
  • We found a way to calculate the deal of the property to maximize the return once we move out.
  • We looked at 2 properties in our target area and are developing a good picture of what to expect.
I'm acknowledging myself for this work. The final step is finding the profitable deal and making offers.

The next DARS will be a brief post discussing the plan.

Thank you world!